Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas

Good Morning!!!!! Kylie and Madi were the first two awake AT 5:30am. We gave them instructions that they could NOT wake Kami up until 6:30. So, at 6:30 EXACTLY, all 5 kids came bulldozing into our room to wake us up. Here they all are about to walk down stairs to see if Santa stopped! But first, everyone dumped out their stockings. Apparently, when you don't have a fireplace, a staircase becomes a great alternative for hanging stockings.

Group shot!

Family gift!

It's a Girl. That's right, Santa brought a floppy earred bunny for Christmas. Here is Paulie meeting 'Noelle' for the first time.


Tracey said...

Noelle.... where have I heard that name before?? :) Cute bunny! Kami does notlook too thrilled to be awake at 6:30am!! Glad you had a nice Christmas!

Jo Anne said...

I thought you might like her name!!!