Saturday, September 19, 2009

Let me tell you about my best friend.....

As most of my readers should know, Avery's very best friend in the whole world is her cousin, Amberly. Amberly and Avery are only a few weeks apart and have been inseparable ever since. Last night Avery slept over Amberly's. When I went to pick her up this morning the girls were still sleeping. I went to wake up Avery, and this is how they sleeping.

Friday, September 11, 2009

He made fun of mine, but now.........

He has his own BLOG! That's right....My darling Hubby made fun of my blog for so long, and now he has his own. Of course his is ONLY about the Eagles Tailgate Party. Check it out.....It's on my fav's list.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Signs from Heaven

If you have been following my blog for awhile, you may remember a post about a poem CJ wrote about his Poppy. We ordered the book and were informed that we should receive the book sometime in November. Well, today, Pop's birthday, the book arrived. Below is the poem as it is featured.

The last line of the poem tells of CJ's desire to honor his Poppy with a tattoo. Last week Chris took CJ to our (Yes, I said our) tattoo artist. They went in with an idea. She told them that she was booked solid for weeks, but did have one opening....September 8th.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kamryn's 4th Birthday!!!

Today is a baby girl's 4th birthday. How fast these past 4 years have gone. She had so much fun opening up her gifts.

Look who is all ready for football!!!!!
Kami getting her game on.
Birthday girl's dinner choice, ravioli.