Sunday, February 19, 2012

February Update

The first Friday in February was a busy day for us. It was the Father/Daughter Dance at our elementary school. Kamryn was so excited to go since this is her first year in elementary school. Kylie did a great job curling their hair, too!
It was also the Valentine's Dance at the middle school. So after Chris left with Avery and Kamryn, Madison and two of her friends posed for a few pics before they headed to their dance. Stay tuned..... We are just entering Formal season for the Hartman's! Madison was invited to her first formal, an ROTC dance in March with her boyfriend! She also has the Freshman Formal at her school in April. Kylie has Junior prom at the end of March, and CJ has the senior prom in May. Holy tuxedo, Batman- that's a lot of dances! And if you truly know me, you know that I am loving every minute of this!