Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Reunion

On Saturday we spent the day at a family reunion with Chris's relatives on his mom's side. There were about 150 people at the reunion. We had a great time meeting up with relatives that we don't see that often.

Check out my Slide Show!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

After another fun day at our fabulous swim club, the kids hung out in the cul-de-sac for a while riding bikes, motorized scooters, and a barbie 4 wheeler. I just love summer. I love the time I get to spend with my kids. I love the fact that at dinner I don't have to say, "Does anyone have a test tomorrow, or more homework to complete, or a project to work on?" I love that my kids are so tired by dusk because they were swimming all day long. My only complaint....nope...don't have one!

Avery taking Kamryn for a ride on her 4 wheeler.
CJ taking Kamryn for a ride on his motorized scooter. (I feel a phone call coming from my parents, "Is Kami safe?"
Madi on her bike, with her hair DOWN. We don't get to see her long hair flowing that much. She's a ponytail kinda girl! (Yes, her bike is too small...a new bike is on her b-day list.)
Kylie's turn... I said, "I want to take a pic for the blog....this is what she does. Kami fell and cut her knee. Dr. Avery was on duty. On her own, Avery ran inside to get a wet paper towel to clean the blood, and a band aid for the boo boo. I guess I better start saving for med school!!!! And one final note......did anyone notice my son's hair? After a lot harassment from his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, cousins, cousins, cousins, etc..... CJ conceded and got his long hair cut off. Well, that's it. A Tuesday at the Hartman's. Hope you enjoyed your visit!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Congratulations Kylie!

Report cards arrived in the mail on Saturday and Kylie made Honors. We are so very proud of her!!!! Way to go miss smarty pants!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Some Serious Family Time!

Friday night we took the kids to our church's carnival. We all had a great time. As soon as we arrived, CJ and Kylie left the family to walk with their friends. That is why there are no pics on the slide show below of my 'COOL CHILDREN!' Even Kami ended up hanging with a friend from preschool, (but at least she let me hang with her!!!) On Saturday morning it was our neighborhood yard sale. I HATE yard sales. for God sakes people, just throw your shit out! Well, Chris decided to put out a lot of our crap. Most was free. What wasn't free fell under the "Shoplifting Encouraged" rule of yard sales. The big stuff went, the little stuff..well, I don't know....I went out shopping, hoping to avoid the whole event. Then, after lunch it was off to the swim club. I hope you enjoy the slide show below.

Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Confessions of a Short Order Cook!

Once upon a time, when this mommy only had two fussy eaters, her pediatrician told her not to cave and become a short order cook. His rule at the dinner table was, "Serve ONE thing ONLY. If they choose not to eat it, they go to bed hungry, eventually, they will learn to eat what you serve." (Note, pediatrician was not a parent at time of this discussion.) Well, a few kids and several years later I see things differently. Tonight all 7 of us were home at the same time for dinner. (A rare occasion.) This was the menu:

Chris, Jo Anne, Kylie --- Garden salad with grilled chicken
CJ --- 2 hot dogs on buns
Avery --- spaghettios
Madi --- macaroni and cheese
Kami --- 1 hot dog cut up, lil' bit mac and cheese

After we said Grace and started eating I realized, "I just made 4 different things for dinner. I am the SHORT ORDER COOK MOM." I must confess, it was a tear free, cry free, stress free meal. Everyone ATE. No one yelled. I liked it.
So, to all of you young mommy's I say, "FEED YOUR KIDS WHAT YOU KNOW THEY WILL EAT. The extra 5 minutes you spend heating up chicken nuggets, or making a pb&j sandwich almost guarantees a stress free meal. I promise you, someday, they will EAT like an ADULT. For now, let them eat like the child they are.
(End note....I switched to a pediatrician who has realistic expectations of children!!!!)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Paulie story.

Paulie and AveryChewing a toy that is NOT his.
Looking for a toy that is NOT his.

This post is mostly about Paulie. I usually keep the 'Paulie' stories for his own column...but this was just too much for a little area. This past weekend we went to Cape May with the C's to visit my parents for Father's Day. Since Paulie and my parent's dog, Reading, don't get along very well, we decided to shop around for a kennel for him. So, we did the good dog owner thing and asked around. Friends of ours recommended their kennel. Like good parents, we went to check it out before signing him up. We LOVED this kennel. The owner was awesome, it was clean and odor free. We signed Paulie up for three different vacations.

So, early Saturday morning Chris and CJ dropped of Paulie while the girls and I packed the car up for our trip. We spent Saturday and Sunday at the shore. We left Sunday afternoon for home and picked up Paulie. Here's where the story turns.....The owner pulled Chris aside and told him that Paulie doesn't like other dogs. He needs professional help...she give him some dog behaviorists' phone #'s. She also tells us that if Paulie's behavior and attitude don't improve during the July trip, he will not be welcome for our August trip. That's right, my dog is on probation from the kennel. Only my family.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

School's Out for the Summer!!!

Friday the 13 was a great day for this Hartman family. Not only was it our Wedding Anniversary, but it was also the last day of school for our kids. When the kids got home after their half day, we piled them into the party van and headed down town to act like tourists. We took the kids on the Duck Tour. It was so cheesy....and we all loved it. After the tour, we headed to Dave & Busters on Delaware Ave for dinner and games. When we were all done eating and gaming, we headed off to Grammy's for a visit.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy 16th Anniversary

June 13, 1992 Chris and I were married on a perfect June day surrounded by our families and friends. Since this is MY blog and not Chris's (someone please forward that info to CJ Quirk) I decided to let you all know the top 16 reasons why I love my hubby.

1. I still get goosebumps when I hear his voice on the phone.

2. He knows all the right places. (No further info needed.)

3. We make beautiful children.

4. He doesn't mind sleeping in a purple bedroom.

5. He doesn't mind showering in a pink floral bathroom.

6. He gives fabulous back rubs.

7. He can fix ANYTHING.

8. He knows what my favorite flower is. A starburst lily.

9. He finally knows that I HATE chocolate ice cream.

10. He has mastered the art of "YES DEAR."

11. He does all the laundry!

12. He makes me laugh.

13. Family always comes first with him.

14. He's a fabulous dancer. Gotta love a guy with rhythm.

15. He can put my girls' hair in a perfect ponytail.

16. He's F-----g Awesome!!!!

Happy Anniversary my love. I freakin' love you!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Poppy would be so proud!!!!!

Do I really even need to write anything other than....look how cute my son is!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hartman Moving Co. 1-800-muscle-4-rent

Out with the old.
In with the new.
Avery getting a ride from Scotty and David.

After weeks of me nagging Chris to move the new furniture my parents gave us into the basement, and move the old crap out, he finally relented and called in the troops. So, on the hottest night in 60+ years, David, Scotty, and Frank came over to move around furniture. THANKS BOYS...YOU ROCK!!!!!!


Madi wanted a piece of the action, so she is officially a blogger. Check out her sight! Listed as Madi on my fav's.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday by the Pool

Today, my redneck husband Chris, Scott, Dave, David, CJ, and Frank all spent the day at some big car race. And that's all I have to say about that. NASCAR is just not my thing. So, here I am, alone with 5 kids on at blistering, hot day. I decided to head to our new swim club for the first time. I decided after the first five minutes there that I made a great decision switching clubs. All of my kids had a blast. There was so much for them to do. Madi took her band test and passed the first time...Yeah Madi!!!!!! Apparently, I am not the only one who decided to switch to the new swim club, I recognized a lot of families from last years club. This should make for a nice summer for my kids because they already know quite a few kids at the new club. Sorry there is no picture, I forgot the camera.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Kylie, Madi, and Avery right before show time.
My mom and dad along with chelsey and Kylie.

Alan cooking the best wings ever thanks to Giada and her cooking show!!!!
NaNa, Avery and Amberly.

Today is my mommy's birthday. And what better way to celebrate a birthday then to spend it at your granddaughters' dance recital. That's mom and dad, along with Amy, Grammy, Karen, Ally, Amberly, Chris, Kami and myself spent the afternoon watching Kylie, Madi, and Avery dance. Afterwards, the C's and us went over to the C's house for a BBQ, where we celebrated my mommy's b-day along with Ally's. (CJ did not go to the recital...he's way too cool for he spent the afternoon at a friends house, but later joined us at the C's for NaNa's b-day BBQ.)

DARE Graduation

Thursday Madi and Avery had their dress rehearsal's for dance at 5:15 and 6:15. Then we had to have Madi at her school between 6:30 and 6:45 for her DARE Graduation. Of course, dress rehearsal was running 20 minutes late. Madi was in panic mode, she didn't want to be late for DARE. I wasn't about to let her miss her dress rehearsal. Just in case you have NO dance recital experience, the dress rehearsal is your ONLY opportunity to video tape your dancer. So, Avery performs at 5:40. They started moving fast and by 6:30 they called Madi's group. She was upset because it was getting close to DARE time. BUT....I pay a lot of money to the dance studio, I already had Kylie and Avery on film, PRIORITIES.......I want a tape of Madi dancing. I make her perform, promising her that we will get to DARE on time. I had Chris, CJ, and Kami head over the elem. school at 6:30 to reserve our row. At 6:50 she exits the stage.....I got my fabulous video....We start running to the car, she panics....I wont have time to change. So, I tell her she will need to change in the backseat of the car as I drive. And I drive.....very aggressively, Chris keeps calling the my cell phone with updates..."Kids are lining up.....Kids are walking on stage. " I fly into the elem parking lot, drop Madi off at the front door where the DARE officer was waiting for her. He runs her onto the stage. The girls and I walk in just as the program starts and sit in our fabulous seat. (Remember, I made Chris go early to reserve seats.)

AAHHH...another SUPER MOM MOMENT.....I did it. I folded my cape up and put it away for next time.....And the I could do in a dark gym.

So, after Madi's graduation from DARE, the 7 of us head over to Rita's for some sweet treats. Mission Complete.

P.S. Please do not ask for dance video posts...I am not that good. I am not The Computer Guy....I just sleep with him.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Pink Boot Check In

Have you noticed the various pics I have posted lately with Kami in them? Always wearing the BOOTS. Well, no more...not until she hits another milestone. We are currently in the throws of potty training Kami. She is doing great with the peepee but poops in her pants. So, we took the boots away and hid them well. We told her that she can't wear her boots again until she starts to poop on the potty. No success yet. Good parenting or mean decide....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Ally Cat

Happy 12th Birthday to my niece Ally!!!! Chris and the kids went over the C's house tonight to sing and eat cake. Kylie and I couldn't make it, we were at her dress rehearsal for dance.