Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Where were you between 7:37 and 10:00 Wednesday night? The Ives and the Hartmans were watching Philly history!!!! The last time the Phillies won, I was in elementary school. I know, I know....a long, long, time ago. After the win, we all ran outside, cheered, banged my pots and pans, and drank champagne!!!! So what does all this mean to us....well, I get new pots and pans, and Chris said he's naming our next kid Charlie Manuel!!!!!!

Okay, this has nothing to do with the Phillies....or does it???? Here are two pics from our front porch on Tuesday, OCTOBER, YES, OCTOBER 27th. Crazy!!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another stupid yard sale.

So, if you have been following my blog since the beginning, you may remember an old post from the spring about a neighborhood yard sale. You may also remember that I HATE YARD SALES!!!!! Well, today my neighbors decided to have a cul-de-sac yard sale. So, At 8 am I went outside with all our old sh**. It was freezing cold, so I sat under a blanket while people walked up my driveway and criticized my OLD CRAP and it's $1.00 price tag. I found it very insulting. These items were once displayed in my house, and you think I am asking too much? a buck? Well, after 4 hours we made $27.50. However, my kids took some of our winnings and bought my neighbors' sh**. So when we had enough. we opened up our trash bins and through what remained in the trash. When all was said and done, I sat in the freezing cold for a measly $5.00 per hour. NEVER AGAIN...I HATE YARD SALES......

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pumpkineezer Scrooge is in the house!

Today I decided it was time to get out our Halloween decorations. Although Halloween is not my favorite holiday, I still enjoy decorating both inside and outside our house. As soon as the box of decos emerges from their storage bin, my kids are all hubby....different story. Halloween is definitely his LEAST favorite holiday. He would rather me decorate for Arbor Day, or Flag Day, or Election Day, or any other random, erroneous, holiday. But Halloween...forget's just not his kinda holiday.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Apples, apples, and more apples

This Saturday we took the kids to an apple orchard to pick our own apples. When we arrived to the orchard there was an area full of pumpkins and hay for the kids to run around in. Then we all got on a tractor pulling cart for our ride into the orchard. Everyone got into the apple much so, that we ended up with 16 pounds of apples.