Friday, May 30, 2008

Trysha's Prom

Move over Cinderella, there's a new princess in town. Tonight the girls and I went over to see Trysha off to her Senior Prom. Trysha looked absolutely stunning....a true princess!!!! (cute date too!) For those non-Hartman's out there, a Hartman attending a prom is no small event. My kids have been attending prom gatherings since birth. A typical prom send off Hartman style usually involves at least 25 relatives standing around, snapping pics. There were at least 4 other BLOGGERS there snapping away...One thing I have learned from being in this family for 16 years...Hartman's do everything BIG......and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just another manic Wednesday...

Even though the alarm goes off at 5am so we can all get ready for work/school, my real day actually begins at 4pm. Today after school the kids and I (plus neighbor kid Tyler) drove to a new swim club. We wanted to compare it to last year's and decide which one to join. Of course by the time we left the swim club, it took us twice as long to get home because it was now 4:40 (the beginning of rush hour). Once home, we rush inside to find Avery's dance clothes, I leave CJ home with the dog, and head to dance. After we drop off Avery ~ Kylie, Madi, Kami and I head to the grocery store to pick up a few items. Since I had a very short list, I decided to let Kami walk....BIG MISTAKE, HUGE!!!!! She kept letting go of my hand and yelling "I WANT TO RUN DOWN THERE." I picked her up while she kicked and screamed the rest of our trip. And the cashier actually said, "How are you today?" Been better..... Once home, I have 15 minutes to start dinner before running back to the dance studio for Avery. 30 minutes later we are all sitting around the table eating dinner. By now the time is 7:15. Kami still needs a bath. After bath for Kami, I get Avery started on her homework. There's a note in her folder, FIELD TRIP TOMORROW, WEAR RED SHIRT, PACK LUNCH. AAGGGHHHH. 30 minutes later, her homework is done, lunch for tomorrow packed. Is there a clean red shirt in the house??? Now its time to put Kami and Avery to bed. So, here I am , sitting down writing this blog entry, waiting anxiously for Chris to phone home...I guess I forgot to mention that he is away on business. At 9pm, the rest of us head upstairs to bed where I make sure the alarm is set for 5am.......

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

AAAHHHH!!!!! The beloved 3 day weekend symbolizing the beginning of the summer season. Many people who live in the Philly area head to the shore for this long weekend, but the Hartman's were not among the travelers this weekend. Along with a Graduation party for Chris's Goddaughter, and niece, Trysha, I had other plans for my betrothed. To this homeowner, a three day weekend can mean only one thing....JOB JAR CHECK IN.....That's right, while everyone else was out partying on this beautiful 3 day weekend, my husband was busy remodeling our powder room. It really wasn't that bad, all it took was...relocating an outlet, replacing an old light switch, installing a new vanity, plumbing, new mirror, new toilet, light fixture, towel holder, toilet paper holder, 12 trips to Lowes, 8 trips to Home Depot. HHHMMMM...I'm thinking redo family room for the 4th of July, and redo master bath over Labor Day...I love 3 day weekends.........

Friday, May 23, 2008

My Olympians!

Today was OLYMPIC DAY! at Madi and Avery's school. Guess what color team they were each on???? Apparently their natural athletic ability was not enough to carry their teams. Madi's team came in last and Avery's team came in second to last.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Colleen

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Colleen
Happy birthday to you.

Monday, May 19, 2008

AAHHH Sunday....

Sunday the Hartman's celebrated Kirstin's college graduation. Way to go babe!!! See Tara's blog for pictures, (since she didn't forward any to me.) We are so very proud of Kirstin. On a second note, did you notice my mucic? Chris was totally against music on the blog. I took his feelings into consideration for a while, but then I decided, IT'S MY BLOG! Why "Sugar, Sugar"...It's Kami's favorite song.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's been a hard, days, night....

After a very productive Saturday of organizing spring/summer clothes, cleaning out the closets, (not my idea,) rearranging bedroom furniture, weeding the flower beds, and planting spring flowers the oldest in the house and the youngest in the house crashed together.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Casey!

Today is Casey's 24th birthday. See Jill's blog for picture!!! I hope she has a fabulous day...last birthday as a single woman...

Things I am good at...

Avery has a stuffy nose, we think she has allergies. The only allergy medicine I have in the house is in pill form. At first she was very reluctant to swallow a pill whole, but I taught her what to do, seven year old can swallow pills. If you are a Hartman, you know that this is actually a big deal because swallowing pills is not something Avery's older cousin's could do...names withheld to protect identity...Therefore, I decided that teaching my kids to swallow pills falls under "Something I do well..." Something I DO NOT do well is send out birthday cards. I realized after visiting Jill's blog that today is Casey's birthday and the card is still at CVS...hence the above message!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

These boots are made for walking...

"Where are my boots? I need my boots!" Kamryn Bobbi, age 2. No matter how good the hiding spot is she finds them...or so I let my husband think. Actually, after Chris left for work this morning, Kami started whining for her boots. Not a battle I need to have at 8:15 in the morning. I asked Madi to get them. "NO, daddy doesn't want her to wear them!" Madi says. (I guess I now know where Madi's loyalties lie.) So, I tell Kami where they are in her room (in her hamper.) She puts them on and sits down to watch a little 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.' The picture is of Kami hiding when I told her I was going to send daddy a picture of her in her boots. What are the odds that she will have the boots on for Kirstin's party this weekend???????

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

1 mom, 5 kids, 1 dog, 9 pictures.....That's right. Chris took 9 pictures for mother's day just to get one where we all had our eyes opened, smiles on our faces, and no one was making bunny ears behind someone else's head. I am a very proud mama...CJ (14), Kylie (13), Madi (10), Avery (7), Kamryn (2), Paulie (1), Mommy (29...)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

School Projects

Tonight, Madi and I spent 3 hours working on her reading project. Actually, I spent 3 hours working on it, and 1 hour yelling at my little Madi to do it my way. Last month I helped CJ with a Spanish project, (along with Amy and Dave.) We spent several hours and several dollars on it. I could buy a new COACH purse for myself with the money I spend on supplies for projects each year. I have only one thought on school projects.....I HATE THEM.....I just need to I alone? Do you parents out there enjoy projects, look forward to them, or do you despise them like me? Please answer the survey...maybe we can then send this survey to all of our schools and hope for a global banning of projects.

Welcome Tracey!

My friend Tracey has created a blog! Be sure to check it out. She is listed as Tracey in my favorites. I think I should receive some type of commission from blogger...That's 3 converts in as many days...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Welcome Kelly Family!

Another one of my relatives started a blog. Be sure to check out my cousin Teresa's blog. Her blog is Blogging is contagious!!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Just wanted to give a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my sister-in-law Amy. She was being treated to a fabulous home cooked meal at Jill's. Heidi apparently was put in charge of the ice cream. I hope you have a great day Amy!!!!!

A little bit about each kid!

I just read messages from Jill and Heidi looking for info on their Godchildren. I usually just post about one kid at a time, but with 5 kids, sometimes a few weeks pass before I post again about one individual. So, to appease the Godparents...wanting more info, more often, here's a litte low down about each kid.

CJ~~~ Like a typical teenager, CJ likes to sleep in on Saturday mornings. I have no problem with that, however, his baby sister decided to climp into his bed at 9am and wake him up. He actually didn't seem to mind. He spent his day helping Chris do yard work, and playing on XBOX. At 5pm I dropped him off at a friend's house for the night.

Kylie~~~ Kylie scored her first goal during her Lacrosse game on Friday afternoon. On Saturday night she went with us to a Cinco de Mayo party in the Kelly's neighborhood. She then slept over Shauna and Juliette's house, then Shauna spent Sunday with the Hartman's.

Madi~~~She had a softball game where she got hit with a pitch, 'took it like a man'...her words...On Saturday morning She left for a weekend camping trip with her fifth grade class.

Avery~~~She was awarded the Golden Path award at school for her commitment to learning. It's actually a pretty big deal to get this award at our elementary school. Way to go my little smarty pants!!!!

Kamryn~~~She found a pair of hot pink cowboy boots in the back recesses of her closet. she hasn't taken them off since. The picture is of Kami on the trampoline wearing....the pink boots.

So....If you were actually paying attention at the above info, then you realized that Chris and I only had the two little one home Saturday nite and Sunday morning. So, what do you do when you only have 2 kids home...take them out to breakfast of course. I didn't realize how affordable breakfast is when you only have to pay for 4 instead of 7.

Welcome Katie

My cousin Katie started a blog. Check it out, its listed as Lauther's in my favorite other blogs!!! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging Katie!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Welcome Tara!!!!

She said she would never do it...but apparently my niece, Tara, caves to peer pressure. Hey, am I your peer????? Check out Tara's blog. Her link is A little back ground info for the blogging voyeurs out there....I am married to Tara's dad's baby brother. I am closer in age to Tara, my niece, then my brother-in-law, her father. We have kids the same age. And is what it is all about!!!!!!