Friday, June 22, 2012

I survived Senior Week!

There are several rights of passage that we go through growing up.  Sleeping through the night, potty training, the first day of kindergarten, taking the bus to school, sleeping over a friends house, moving up to middle school, getting your drivers license, Prom, graduation, senior week.  This past week was Senior Week for CJ.  And Hell Week for me.  Sending my baby boy off to Ocean City, NJ for a week sharing a house a bunch of friends was so hard for me.  I had NO control.  I did not sleep well , I worried, I prayed. This morning Chris headed down to pick him up a day early because CJ has work at 6:30am on Saturday.  He survived!  He had a blast!  He has sooo many stories! When I got home from the swim club today I couldn't wait to hug and kiss him. Apparently, I forgot how little sleep you get during Senior Week.  He fell asleep on the sofa as soon as he got home, and will not be waking up until Saturday morning for work!  After a long week of worrying about my little boy, my Friday night was spent watching him sleep, safe and sound, at home.

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