Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kindergarten Kamryn

Yesterday was Kamryn's kindergarten orientation that Chris and I took her to. She was only there for about 20 minutes. Today was her first real day of kindergarten. Above is a pic of her with her school bag getting ready to walk to the bus stop. Below is my baby walking to the bus stop.
Here she is getting on the bus for the first time. I told myself that I would not cry. I must not have been very firm with myself because as soon as the bus doors closed I couldn't hold back the tears. I can't believe my baby is in kindergarten.
She came home on the bus with Avery.
She told us that she had a great day and can't wait to go back tomorrow. About an hour after she got home, she climbed on the chair, laid down her head and fell asleep. I tried to wake her up for dinner, but she was just too tired to get up. She ended up sleeping through the night. Guess my girlie was tired!

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