Friday, July 15, 2011

madison's 14th Birthday!

This morning Madison woke up on her 14th birthday to breakfast in bed! She did not want her pic taken. Don't blame her! She really wanted to go to Beltzville Lake for the day, but Chris was unable to get the day off, so all the kids and headed to the swim club. Chris was able to get out a few hours early, so he met us at the pool around 1:45. I brought a small cake that we all enjoyed! Sorry these 2 pics r blurry, taken with my phone....user error.

When we got home, it was time for presents. Her favorite gift, A Ruiz jersey!

She also got a new MP3 player.

Hot Mama!!!!

Out of order warning.....

Madison's birthday dinner of choice.....wings, chicken fingers, and french fries.

Madi and Daddy

The kids!

Madi wanted a butter cake for her birthday cake. The bad mother that I am, chose to buy her cakes rather than make them from scratch because I didn't want to miss valuable pool time!

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