Monday, July 4, 2011

Carnival time!

Every year we head over to our church's carnival. I remember us going as a family, putting the kids on the rides, stuffing their prizes under the stroller. But the past few years the bigs go with their friends, so now its just Chris and I with Avery and Kamryn...and no more stroller. Very weird feeling for me. Unfortunately, there are very few, if any, rides that both Kamryn and Avery can or will go on together. So, Chris took Avery and I took Kami. Above is Avery on the swings.
Kamryn is also getting to the age where she is too bored on the kiddie rides, but not big enough for the bigger rides.
While Kamryn and I were standing in line for a ride, we ran into Kylie and her friends.
Kamryn won a prize all by herself! By the end of the week my kids had also won about 6 gold fish.
Oh, pics are out of order again.......Avery on the swings!

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