Thursday, August 18, 2011

I love having a candy dish in our house. Let me rephrase that, I love having a full candy dish in the house. I like to keep holiday colored M&M's in it. But with 5 kids, I am constantly refilling it. Last year, I filled it with candy corn in the Fall instead of M&M's thinking my kids wouldn't eat it. WRONG! So, I went back to M&M's. Every once in awhile, I will try a different candy that I think no one will like, so my dish will actually stay filled. NOPE. Well, a few weeks ago I tried another candy that I thought for sure my kids wouldn't like that much, so my candy dish would not empty out every 14 hours. Spiced Dots. My kids grumbled, but my dish looked so pretty sitting on the table, full. One day, Kamyrn was so 'needing' a piece of candy, she tried a red one. She then informed everyone that the spiced dots really weren't that bad. They ended up eating most of them. I replenished the dish with more spiced dots. The good news is, they do seem to last longer than the M&M's. Don't feel to sorry for my children, I will soon fill it with Autumn colored M&M's......when Autumn arrives.

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