Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Avery!

Here are a few shots of Avery's birthday! Above is Avery right before she got to open her gifts.
Avery's birthday dinner...on the menu...tacos...Avery's choice!
Avery's favorite gift...her new pet gerbils....that's right 2 gerbils.
Avery posing with Sofie and Chloe.
Finally, we all sing to Avery and fill up on cake. Happy Birthday Avery!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Avery!!! Rylee's choice for her bday dinner was tacos too!

Tracey said...

Gerbils?? Wont Paulie eat them for a snack? :) Happy B-Day Avery!! Can't believe you are 8!! You will always be 4 to me! :)hehe

Check Us Out said...

You guys and all your pets!
Happy birthday Avery---can't wait to see you Saturday

Unknown said...

Avery u r soooooooo beautiful, great pix's.
Oh no, not more animal's.
Hope your b/day was lot's of fun.
W/Hugs, Your Grammy