Tuesday, June 24, 2008

After another fun day at our fabulous swim club, the kids hung out in the cul-de-sac for a while riding bikes, motorized scooters, and a barbie 4 wheeler. I just love summer. I love the time I get to spend with my kids. I love the fact that at dinner I don't have to say, "Does anyone have a test tomorrow, or more homework to complete, or a project to work on?" I love that my kids are so tired by dusk because they were swimming all day long. My only complaint....nope...don't have one!

Avery taking Kamryn for a ride on her 4 wheeler.
CJ taking Kamryn for a ride on his motorized scooter. (I feel a phone call coming from my parents, "Is Kami safe?"
Madi on her bike, with her hair DOWN. We don't get to see her long hair flowing that much. She's a ponytail kinda girl! (Yes, her bike is too small...a new bike is on her b-day list.)
Kylie's turn... I said, "I want to take a pic for the blog....this is what she does. Kami fell and cut her knee. Dr. Avery was on duty. On her own, Avery ran inside to get a wet paper towel to clean the blood, and a band aid for the boo boo. I guess I better start saving for med school!!!! And one final note......did anyone notice my son's hair? After a lot harassment from his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, cousins, cousins, cousins, etc..... CJ conceded and got his long hair cut off. Well, that's it. A Tuesday at the Hartman's. Hope you enjoyed your visit!


The Future Fryer Club said...

he cut his hair!!!!! it looks so good!! you have anymore pics of it???

A "Baery" Happy Family said...

Christopher looks just like Uncle Chris with his new do. I LOVE IT

The Quirk Family said...

Christopher does look like uncle chris I second that tara

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new haircut christopher!

Check Us Out said...

Love the hair cut Cj---Did you expect anything else from my Godchild of course she is doctor material