Thursday, January 29, 2009

This one's for you Jill!

The other day I was talking to Jill on the phone and she told me I needed to update my blog. I told her that nothing was really going on in our family that was blog worthy. She then told me how much she loved my old pics. So, I just had to go digging for an old pic of Jill. This pic was taken the summer of 2001. All of the OLD Hartman's were up the mountains...All the YOUNG Hartman's were home. So, Chris and I had all the YOUNG Hartmans over for dinner. Five minutes after the party started Jill spilled her glass of red wine down her shirt. Actually, is wasn't even her was Heidi's. I am not sure she ever told Heidi.......Love ya babe!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For Tom

I feel a warmth around me
like your presence is so near,
and I close my eyes to visualize
your face when you were here.
I endure the times we spent together
and they are locked inside my heart,
for as long as I have those memories
we will never be apart.
Even though we cannot speak no more
your voice is always there,
because every night before I sleep,
I have you in my prayers.
Miss you big bro....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I just cant stop myself!!!

Avery wanted to know who all these kids were sitting with Grammy, Poppy, Heidi, and Scott. This was Thanksgiving 1997. NaNa and PopPop when they only had 3 grand kids!
There are just no words for this one!

Monday, January 12, 2009

But wait...there's more....

When we were going through old pics, Chris looked at this pic and said to me, "Which one of our kids did they put this sign up for?" HELLO---WE ONLY HAVE 1 SON!!!!!!

This is what Gram, Kelly, Jill, Casey, and David looked like in 1993.

CJ and Chelsey at his 1st Communion. He'sa gonna maka you an offa youa can't refuse.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Halloween 1997

"Our mommy buys our costumes at Nerdy Kids R Us."

Friday, January 9, 2009

Circa 1997....CJ age 4

Memo to self: Never leave CJ alone with the christmas tree.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

AAHHH the good ol' days!

Last weekend we went down the basement to clean and organize it so the kids actually want to go there to play and watch tv. While we were down there we came across a big Rubbermaid container full of our old pictures. So, we all sat down and started looking through old photos. The most interesting part of looking at these old pics were the comments that came from our own children. Hope you enjoy...and be may end up in one of my pics!!!!!!!!!

I believe Tara bought this sweater for Madi when she was 5. When Madi found this pic she said, "Hey mom, do we still have that sweater? Maybe Avery or Kami could wear it to next years UGLY SWEATER PARTY." Sorry Tara.

The next few pics all got giggles from our girls. They made fun of Chris and I for dressing like our kids.
Not fair, this was at a family reunion.....1996.
CJ and I at the mountain's....1994

Easter, 1996

Christmas 1996, Love the suspenders boys!!!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Look

On Saturday morning Kylie, Madi and I all got hair cuts, ready to start the new year with new looks. Here is the before pic of the girls. Here are the girls after. The hair salon told us about Pantene, they take 8 inch pony tails, so they gave Madi her ponytail for us to donate.

Yes, I also got my hair cut, but sorry, no pic. It's Madi's length with bangs.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, farewell 2008. It was definitely a tough year for the Hartman's. But as I look ahead, I have to wonder if 2009 will be any easier. Tom and Dad are missed so much.

But even in our sadness, there are still joyous things to look forward to in 2009....a wedding, 2 new babies, maybe an engagement???????, graduations.

My New Year's wish for my family is for all to find peace within.