George Hartman Sr., son, husband, Dad, Daddy, Uncle George, Godfather, Pop, Poppy, G-Pop, father-in-law, and who could forget..."I'm the Huck and I don't give a ****!" You get the picture.
But the name that means the most to me, and that I am the proudest of is
BEST MAN. Yes, I had my father as my Best Man at my wedding. They say when you get married you should have your best friend stand by your side when your saying your vows. Well, my dad was my best friend.
In time of need, he would be there. When I needed advice, he would be there. When I wanted to vent, he would be there. When I broke something, he would fix it. When something great happened, I couldn't wait to tell him. He was just someone that everyone wanted to be around.
Here is the toast he gave to Jo Anne and I at our wedding, "When I was young, and in my prime, I could do it any old time. Now that I am old and gray, I can only do it once a day!" God Damn he was a funny bastard.
I miss you, Dad.
Happy Birthday Best Man.
Love, Chris